Weekly group or online sessions
Each Phase of the program is provided including specific foods, exercise, meal plans and supplementation.
Weekly topics
Week 1 – The Detox / Debloat Phase – lose 5 to 10 lbs of unwanted bloat weight
Week 2 – The Ignite Phase (Weeks 2 to 8) – Ignite Your Metabolism with Food and Exercise
Week 3 – The 7 Signs of Success – Never be a Hostage to your Scale again
Week 4 – Dealing With Sleep and Stress – Master your sleep, and reduce unwanted stress
Week 5 – Your Mobile Food Readiness Kit (MRFK) – Be prepared on a daily basis for success
Week 6 – The 7 Truths to Good Health – These Principles will help guide all your health decisions
Week 7 – Grocery Shopping and Restaurants – Lifelong Skills to Enjoy Shopping and Eating out
Week 8 – Review and Mastery of Your new Lifestyle – Take it to another level and lead others
Week 9 – The Thrive Phase – Permanently take back control of your health
Weekly information email
Summarizes all of the key information you need to learn to move forward with your plan. The additional Online Program is organized as a course for you to complete. In order to move through the plan, you must also complete a weekly analysis and planning to be ready for the next steps. The Online Program makes you accountable to yourself and to us as we can review your progress on a weekly basis.
Weekly coaching videos
Videos with Mark Regan that will maximize your plan and optimize your results. The Coaching Videos focus on the highlights of your plan each week. The combination of the info truly sets you up to win! Burn Fat, Build Lean Muscle, Raise your Metabolism and take your health to unprecedented levels. The videos will accommodate for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels of fitness and can be done from the comfort of your own home.
Complete recipe guide
Guide for All 3 Phases of the Plan. From the easiest Grab and Go to the more elaborate Gourmet style recipes you are looking for to meet your nutrition and culinary needs. We’ve got you covered!
Facebook & group support
You are not alone!
The Strength of anyone’s conviction is always increased through the support of other likeminded individuals following the same plan.
Facebook support groups
Join our Mark Regan Facebook pages. These include guidance, motivation, inspiration, recipes and a lot of fun. They include people who we work with through the 8 Week Transformation plan and beyond.
All over the world, people are currently making their 8 Week Run and you can join them on some key Facebook Group pages to ask and answer questions, share inspirations, see amazing transformations, and find incredible recipes to stay on plan.
Zen Project 8 Community Page – join people worldwide following this exact plan!
The Venice Nutrition 8 Week Run and Thrive Community
The Venice Nutrition 8 Week Run and Thrive Recipes
Personal Q&A support
You all have unique lives, metabolisms and challenges. This is exactly why we offer additional email and texting support to provide you the answers to your questions. You can do this! We are here to ensure your success.
Additional support
The Internationally Acclaimed Book, “Why Kids Made You Fat, and How to Get Your Body Back,” by Mark Macdonald. You can purchase the book online at Amazon.com, or your local book store. A copy of the book is provided for those who work personally with us in the One on One or Group Coaching Sessions. This book includes inspirational transformations.
- 9 chapters that lead you to Lose Your Bloat, Melt Your Belly and Live Your Life
- Easy-to-Follow Detox, Ignite & Thrive Phases that are based on Eating in 3’s
- 18 Powerful Transformations of people living the plan just like you
- 50 Detox, Ignite and Thrive Phase Recipes, two types
- Grab n’ Go – 10 minutes or less
- Gourmet Style – 30 minutes or less
- Real life cutting edge strategies to help you permanently drop the pounds and Start feeling your best again!
End the Dieting Madness!
Permanently take back control of your Metabolism, your Health and your Life!
It’s time to be a Champion of Your Health in 2019!